It's here - "The Women Around the Cross" Series!

Illuminating Scripture for Women to be
Encouraged, Equipped, and Engaged


I am excited to share that it’s FINALLY ready! After countless hours of editing, learning technology (or at least trying to), and overcoming setbacks, I’ve re-released the study I taught last year, "The Women Around the Cross," as an e-course!

Feedback from last year's participants was to make the study available to share with their friends. They had two main requests: make it easy to listen to “on the go” and provide a workbook for notes. When they ask, I listen!

So, I downloaded the audio from the recorded Zoom sessions (held in my living room and on Zoom), edited it for a podcast format using Descript (each session is around 35 minutes), uploaded it to HelloAudio to make it accessible through your podcast platform of choice, and created a comprehensive 40-plus page workbook to accompany it. Done and done!

An early reviewer (looking for typos for me) just wrote:

Your patience and support have been invaluable to me throughout this journey. As a thank you, I'm excited to share this release FIRST with you before it goes out to a wider audience. Simply use the link below which includes the discount code of THANKYOU to zero out the price.

ALSO, as someone I value, I would appreciate any feedback from you to ensure everything is 99.9% perfect before the official release. Your insights would be especially helpful in the following areas:

  • Wording of the sales page
  • Purchase experience
  • Ease of downloading the 40-plus page workbook
  • Navigating the link to download the audio into your podcast browser
  • Typos or edits in the workbook
  • Any other thoughts or suggestions you might have

Please note that I am unable to make changes to the audio podcasts, but any other feedback is greatly appreciated.

If you could provide your feedback by June 30th, it would be incredibly helpful.

Alternatively, feel free to simply enjoy the podcast series, and if you have any thoughts or a-ha moments, I’d love to hear them from you!

Thank you so much for your time, support, patience and PRAYERS in helping this series come to life!

Much love,

Linda Hannigan, BTh, CPLC, ACC

Life, Leadership & Spiritual Formation Coaching, and Speaker

Owner & Coach 9 Lumens​ & Illuminate

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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