All the women in Genesis starts next week!

Illuminating Scripture for Women to be
Encouraged, Equipped, and Engaged


I thought about writing an email about how grateful I am for you all in 2023 and how much I am looking forward to studying with you in 2024. But I just DON'T have the energy to write anything like that today. I'm guessing I'm not alone. As a woman, I know you too played a big part in Thanksgiving, Christmas, and/or New Year's. It may have been wonderful. It may have drained you dry. It may have done both at the same time. So, whatever the condition of your house, fridge, family, body, heart, or soul...let me say, "Well done." You showed up, and it is finished. I hope today you can breathe and rest.

This is an email reminder our new series launches NEXT WEEK (already?!?! whatever.) and I would love to have you join me.

First Ladies: A Look at the Women in Genesis

During this 12-session study, we will deeply study every. single. one of the women in Genesis. The good, the hard, and the difficult.

The first session is foundational as we survey Genesis and Eve as our blueprint. As of yesterday, I had the 12 sessions plotted out. But I just came across two more women who even have names. Which is a big deal! So I can't tell you much beyond our beginning session because I have to figure out how I will fit them in.

One of the questions I am often asked is, "Will there be homework?" YOU WILL HAVE NO HOMEWORK! Who's got time for that?!?! All you need to do is show up with however you like to process, journal, and take notes. A lot of notes.


Live Zoom Room
2nd Tuesday of every month
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. PST

In-Person Living Room
2nd Monday of the month in Tacoma, WA
Doors open at 6:45 p.m. and close at 8:30 p.m.

Don't forget to RSVP to me if you'd like to join the Living Room. Spots are limited.

Can't make those times? Or worried you'll miss a few? You receive regular emails with both reminders for upcoming sessions and recordings of previous sessions to listen to at your convenience.

Registration below gives you an option to "set your price" of between $60 to $120.


First Ladies: A Study of the Women in Genesis

A fresh look at the women in Genesis. Every single story. Every single encounter. The good and beautiful. The hard and... Read more

Are you interested in taking the stories of the women more personally and intentionally? Coaching for Spiritual Formation gives you one-on-one time and space to explore your story alongside the story of the women of our series using The Coach Approach for transformational growth.


Coaching for Spiritual Formation

Take an Illuminate study to the next level by unpacking your own spiritual journey with one-on-one coaching. During 6... Read more

Reader, I can't wait to share it all with you! Hope to see you next week.

Linda Hannigan

Credentialed ICF ACC Life Coach, Professional Christian Leadership Coach, Bachelor of Theology, Certified Enneagram Coach

Owner & Coach 9 Lumens

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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